Saturday, January 7, 2012

All By Myself....

Anyone remember that song by Eric Carmen...think ya have to be an 80's chick!

How many of you like to be by yourself....raise your hands??

That's what I thought...alot of us!

Some of you are looking around thinking...not me. I love a crowd, the more the merrier.
Glad God created make our world fun & you connect with people easy
with no barriers.

Some of you are looking around doubt. I like to be left alone.
I love you are usually confident, solid people...that don't speak unless needed & people
listen when you say something.

And then there is the group I fall into...yes...I no doubt need time alone...
EVERYDAY...or I will go crazy. But I enjoy a good cup of coffee with a friend...a party &
hanging out with people...but I get overloaded if it's too much & demanding of my time.
Now...don't misunderstand me, I believe Bible calls us to be a part of the Body of Christ & hold
each other accountable...Jesus surrounded himself with the apostles. He set a clear example.

I had coffee with one of my friends this week on my day off..after she talked me into bootcamp that almost killed me!! LOL!! We don't get to have coffee very often now that I'm working, infact
it's been 6 months. But she said to me...that's why I love aren't needy & demanding of
our friendship & you're ok if we don't get to sit down & chat for a long time & we can
pick right back up & enjoy our time. AMEN!

My friend Tiffany blogged about Will the Real You Please Stand Up? over at L & L
on Thursday.  To quote one of her points:

"I like my alone time more and more each year. At first l felt like something was wrong and that I needed to change, now I realize the alone time keeps me healthy."

As I was reading it I found myself thinking....that's exactly how I feel. I used to think I had to
go & do & be all of this in ministry & in my life. But as the years have passed, I know that I need
 & I crave my time ALL BY MYSELF!!

I have a quote I often share with women...."I wanna to be invited, but I really don't wanna go."
And they always laugh & say...I totally agree!

When I come home from work I spend about 30 minutes all alone in my room...I will read emails,
take a nap, read my bible, or just chill. I have found I am  a better mom, wife & child of God if I
spend my time alone. That has been my biggest challenge as a working mom is finding time alone.

I guess for me it comes down to balance & truly seeking where God wants to use me in His kingdom.
I have to be picky & not always say yes to every event, party or coffee date that comes my way.
It's ok to say no if you feel like it is stealing time away from  your family & mostly your walk
with God.

Be excited for who God has designed, created & called you to be.

How about you? I guess the question is...
Are you an extrovert....or 1/2 & 1/2 if that is possible? Which I think it is. I need a
good balance of both to serve my God.

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