Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Free Babysitting

When my kids were little I longed for a night out alone with my man...(still do) but when they are little it is harder to accomplish. You have to get a babysitter...one you trust who will love your kids and you have to pay them of course. Our budget was really tight when they were little so to spend $ on a babysitter...dinner and any kind of entertainment was something we just couldn't do very often. And I know a lot of you young families feel the same. I was blessed to have my mom around to help with our kids! But I always thought someday when our girls are old enough to babysit we are going to offer free babysitting once in awhile to help people out! 
 Now...I thought...here I am encouraging these moms to go out with their man...but with out childcare...that could be a hard task! SO here is what I'm doing...the first person to make a comment or respond to this post will get one free night of childcare from the Thomasons! Good luck! And I am thinking this will become something we do on a regular basis so if you don't win today...there will be other chances!! 


  1. you were so lucky to have cheap little youth group kids like us (with mom's right down the road, just in case!)

  2. Awesome, Steph. We have a family that occasionally gives us a free babysitting and its wonderful, a true blessing. I love how this will allow your kids to learn servanthood.
    I want to do the same when my girls are old enough!
    Have fun. :)

  3. Caleb will be 17 on the 23rd of this month and Ashtyn is 14. Will your kids be willing to babysit them?? Please?? For like a month or so oughta do it....

  4. What a great idea to get your daughters involved. I have thought before that when my kids are grown I should offer to babysit for young couples but hadn't thought about getting my girls involved.

  5. Just so you know...NO ONE HAS the free babysitting yet! I don't think you realized it Cari or Keri! The comments before you were just jokes...:) Just say the word and your sweet kids are mine!

  6. Who said mine was a joke? (Great thing you are doing by the way...)

  7. Great service, Steph. My wife, kids and I would sometimes take the kids of all our young families for lunch after Sunday service. That way all the young couples could eat lunch out together. We haven't done that for a while but you've reminded me that we need to again.


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