Friday, April 1, 2011

Becoming Less

I'm a little sad to say....
I didn't get to weigh in last night.
Matt & I went to the Chris Tomlin concert & had to leave before my meeting.
So...this is the first week I haven't weighed in.
If I'm truly being honest I'm pretty sure I didn't lose any this week...
But I am looking forward to next week & having AMAZING results.

Do you ever feel like an Isrealite wandering in the desert for 40 years?
                                               I do.
I am 38 years old...closing in on 40 years is realistic to me. If God gives
me 40 more years on this earth...I don't want to spend it wandering in
the desert. Instead I desire to head straight to the Promise Land of freedom
& truly depend on God to fill me. Asking God to be my daily portion.

I have to keep in mind my ultimate goal of this journey...isn't about my size,
how my jeans fit, my weight, but to crave Jesus & His truths & as the filler
of my heart. Nothing else.

It is getting easier to say NO to somethings I wasn't able to before. Though
that stinking Key Lime pie that was left at my house after small group
became an obsession to me. Why oh Why do I love sweets so much. I ate
a piece for the first 3 days then said...NO MORE. & haven't touched it since.

I haven't tracked my points as well this week...gonna get back on top of that too.
Accountability...Oh how I need it.
Do  you have any tips...suggestions this week for me?
I have thought about posting some recipes & some daily food charts to help
give you some ideas of what I eat. What do you think?


  1. I would love sharing food tips :) We have a healthy eaters cook book, and we have been making wonderful recipes out of there! We had pork w/glazed onions the other night, and it was like 180 calories! I am sure I still need help on portion control, but at least I am headed in the right direction! I am sure it was amazing seeing Chris Tomlin!!

  2. Steph, Kyle started eating no carbs, no sugar and lots of veggies and protein and lost 8 lbs in 9 days. Have you ever tried this? Its mostly just not eating bread and sweets and replacing snacks with fruit (sweet) and nuts. And, an ounce of dark chocolate if a sweet is a mut. I love food, so I can totally understand, its hard when you crave sweets, like we do. I still believe in the true saying - Just move more, eat less, then you can have whatever you want (small portions) I will pray for you to resist.


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