Friday, April 22, 2011

Becoming Less...Sneaky Schemes

Down 1 pound again this week. Slowly but surely I will get there.

Do you ever have a time where you feel like you are finally coming
to the realization of what you need to do & you start liking it?

I feel like I am getting there this week. I am starting to enjoy more
healthy foods & being able to say no to unhealthy choices.

This week was hard for me...uhem...well sisters you know what
week it is without me having to tell you so let's just leave it there.

And I started working full time. Do you know how much food is
brought to school? GOOD GRIEF! It's always someone's bday or
we are celebrating something it seems.

Sneaky Schemes...guess what? Satan wants to play sneaky games with you.
He wants you to be alone with your what tempts you & overtake you.
If no one sees you, then the calories don't count right? Yea...I have so given
into that. I stuff my face before someone walks into the door & finds me.
I have bought things at the grocery store & devoured them in the car before
I got home. Anyone with me? come on.

I have found I am not yet in a place of freedom yet. I can't handle being
alone with food that I love yet & not give in sometimes. Now I have made
some progress & I feel God leading me away & giving me the strength.
Little by little I am getting there.

I am focusing on things I can have...not things I can't. There are so many
great options out there. Finding myself stopping & praying.

Long term victory starts with each choice I day at a time.
Is that bad choice worth it? I have the freedom to walk away. Flee.
Not gonna believe those Sneaky's not worth it.
I am worth more than that in Jesus name.

I love you all...pray for me this weekend as Easter brings all
kinds of JUNK into our lives with Family gathering. If you need
me to pray for you please email me or leave a comment.

He must become greater...I must become less. John 3:30

1 comment:

  1. Oh my girl, I am right there with you! I have been there eating m&m's in the car on the way home from the store, circling the block till they are done because I don't want anyone to know or see me! Congrats, 1 lb! I can't have crap in the house or I eat it, if it's not there, I don't even crave it!


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