Thursday, October 15, 2009

Maggie is HOME!!

Thank you thank you so much for your prayers! I couldn't believe it when Kristina our vet called and said...come get Maggie, we think she will rest better at home!!

So here is the scoop...they sent a biopsy off of her liver to test it to see what is the problem. She had a major infection in her body and they don't know what caused it or why her liver stopped working. But Kristina seems to think getting all the fluid...1 gallon to be exact...WOW...will make her feel better. They are going to pump her full of antibiotics to get rid of the infection. We just need to pray her stomach doesn't fill up with fluid again. So we are watching her to make sure that doesn't happen and that her liver will begin working just fine. I will keep you updated, but right now...we are out of the woods for now. The good news is the fluid tested negative for that is great!

I wish you could see her...all curled up on our rug next to my bed. What a blessing all of you are for praying for our family today. God is so good and we give HIm all the Glory and know she is in His hands!!
Here she is..resting...PRaise the Lord!!



  1. Yay for Maggie! I pray she stays well. I'd love to curl up next to her and snuggle.

  2. Yea Maggie! Being home will help her heal and rest well. :) There is just something about home and being around the people she loves.
    Great news Steph. Thank You God!
    Keep us posted on how her condition.

  3. you know who/what all this makes me think of ;-)
    love of dogs... it is sweet. glad it's all working out for the best!

  4. What a sweetie! Praying for quick healing and comfort for you all!

  5. Yay! Thankyou Lord and Kristina!!!

    I am so happy for you and your kiddos! Will continue praying for your sweet Maggie


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